Even If




This morning I was so encouraged by the new mercy I received from the Lord. You know how sometimes He just seems to grab your attention in a new way that will stick with you forever? Well that was me this morning. On my way into work I was just spending some time praying with God and felt like He was probing me with the question, “Will you still praise me even if ____________?” Honestly, you could fill in that blank with anything. Even if your life doesn’t look like how YOU plan it to look? Even if you feel stuck? Even if you receive bad news from a family or friend? Even if you don’t understand? Even if it doesn’t look like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel?

It’s a question we all have to ask ourselves at some point or another. But I believe that in the asking, we are able to get real honest, and then ask the Lord to help us in our unbelief; to be faithful when we are not; to give us faith in the midst of doubt. And He will. His mercies are new every morning. And just like Psalm 5:12 says, “…but it is You who blesses the righteous man, O Lord, You surround him with favor as with a shield.”

When we take refuge in God, He shelters us with His lovingkindness. We can sing for joy at the work of His hands. We can praise him “Even if.”