House Progress!

A few months ago I posted a brief blog about mine and Matt’s future house! The Lord has graciously allowed us the opportunity to be a part of a new construction community, meaning we get to watch our house be built from start to finish. Well…I have been slack in posting the progress so far and I know there are a handful of people out there (mostly my extended family) who would like to be in on those little details. So, this one’s for you, Aunt Linda 🙂

This is the first picture I posted of our property:


The next time we went up there they had just gotten the underground piping, rods, plumbing, and that sort of thing done. So there is no picture of that because there was not a whole lot to see.

Then Christmas time rolled around and we were SO busy–we didn’t get a chance to go up to the house (it’s about 30 minutes from where we live now) for a few weeks. So when we took my parents to see it for the first time, we drove right past it because we didn’t recognize it with all the progress that had happened since the last time we were there!

IMG_2339Obviously I was unprepared for it being this far along otherwise I would have changed out of my slouch wear. Oh well, still exciting!


Matt standing on our staircase!


When my family came up from Tampa we took them to see it too. We were excited to see our second floor coming together!


I think it was ONE or TWO weeks later that we went back again and I was so excited to say we had a ROOF over our heads! It was so exciting because at this point the house realllllllly starts looking like a house and we can start envisioning ourselves being here very soon!


My sweet husband letting me snap pictures of him inside our entryway 🙂

IMG_0520That’s right, baby. Lot #215. Under Contract. (!!!)


This, ladies and gentleman is going to be the heart of the home: The Kitchen. Where we will have all of you over for dinner and coffee for some good quality laughs and memory making! 🙂


Matt overlooking our backyard. I’m definitely planning on having my brother build a nice little pergola and an outdoor kitchen and entertainment area. Right, Jason?!

IMG_0538One view of our Master Bedroom. My second favorite room in our house. My first? ….

IMG_0550Our MASTER CLOSET! Seriously. If you ever come over and can’t find me, look here first.

We are so excited to share the Lord’s goodness in our lives. We truly would not be in this position if it weren’t for His provision. AND thanks to my gracious parents who have let us take up half their home over the last 9 months so we could save money. THANK YOU, Mom and Dad, for helping our dream of buying a home come true. Our hearts truly want to use this home for God’s glory and to share in His goodness with others. He is SO kind and loving, and we pray that we will be able to extend those same attributes to all who enter our home.

Stay tuned for even more progress updates to come!!